Fashion Designers just like you: Earl Edwards’ Piece Galleria
We love to feature the successful launch stories of V.Mora clients. In this blog, you’ll discover the fusion of art gallery sophistication and streetwear flair in Earl Edwards' Piece Galleria. Earl's journey is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of honest self-reflection.

Successful Fashion Entrepreneurs - Just Like You: Henry Duvall by Meghan Stanton
Meghan Stanton identified her niche, a classic boys clothing line for boys who like to move. Then she did her homework, and sought out parents to show her designs and get feedback. When she launched Henry Duvall, she sold out the collection on the first day. It pays to prepare. Here’s more.

Successful Fashion Entrepreneurs - Just Like You: Jgame by Jackie Meretsky
What’s your passion? Sometimes it’s the interest that gets you excited that turns into the business that makes you very successful. Jackie Meretsky had a passion for tennis, fashion, and for the planet. She combined her three loves and founded, Jgame. Here’s her success story.

Successful Fashion Entrepreneurs - Just Like You: Princely Wear by Michele Roberts
Success in fashion does not have to be “Catwalk Dazzling” glamorous styles. Simply find a niche with underserved needs and fill it. Michele has been in the Navy for 12 years and has 3 very active boys. She got tired of the same, unexciting boys’ styles, and launched Princely Wear. Here’s her story.

Successful Fashion Entrepreneurs - Just Like You: Bergy Bag by Heather Dziedzic
They say riches are in the niches, and for a fashion entrepreneur finding your niche and defining your brand is an essential start to a successful launch. The founder of Bergy Bag solved an everyday problem with a fashion forward make-up bag and created a very successful new fashion line.

Successful Fashion Entrepreneurs - Just Like You: Amy Page DeBlasio
We like to see others succeed because we know that if they can do it, we can do it. In this Blog, I’ll tell you about the successful launch of Amy Page DeBlasio’s brand APD. Her unique, edgy designs are making waves, as she embraces the “slow-fashion” model and sustainability. Here’s her story…

Successful Fashion Entrepreneurs - Just Like You: Katro
It’s a new year, and success is waiting for you. In the next several weeks, I’ll tell you the real-life success stories behind some of our innovative designers. You’ll see, they are just like you. This week we’ll focus on the launch of KATRO Studios.

Successful Fashion Entrepreneurs - Just Like You
Many exceptional fashion designers dream of launching their line and establishing a successful brand. Is that Your dream? It’s closer than you think. Make it real. I want to show you success stories of how other gifted designers just like you made it happen. You can too… here’s how.