Branding Series - Why Perfecting your Brand & Product will Lead you to Success
How can perfectionism lead you to success? In this blog, I will go over why an aspiration for perfectionism with your brand and product can lead your business to success.

Branding Series - 5 Strategies To Build Brand Awareness
What if I told you there was a way to build brand awareness, even before launching? In this blog, I will go over 5 Strategies to Build a stronger brand awareness.

Branding Series - Three Reasons Why you Should have a Niche Brand
Niche brand? You’ve heard the term often, but in this blog I will tell you three reasons why you should choose to start with a niche brand over anything else.

Branding Series - How to Generate Names for Your Brand
Naming your brand is not always easy, but in this blog I have a few tips and tricks that can help you get closer to finalizing the name of your brand.

Branding Series - Establishing Brand Identity
What will make your brand memorable? Brand Identity. In this blog, I will go over why developing brand identity is important and the different elements to creating a memorable brand identity.

Branding Series - Connecting with Your Customer
Some brands stand out more than others, the memorable ones connect with you on a deeper level. In this blog, I will show you how to develop a better and deeper connection with your customer.

Branding Series - How to Cost your Product to Reflect your Brand image
How do you price the items for your collection? In this blog, I will show you some tips, tricks, and guidelines to follow when developing retail prices to reflect your brand image.

Branding Series - Creating Designs that Align with your Brand
When it comes to branding you want to remain memorable. In this blog, I will break down why something like a movie is so captivating and how you can use the same tactics and incorporate it into your brand or service.

Branding Series - Storytelling with your Brand
When it comes to branding you want to remain memorable. In this blog, I will break down why something like a movie is so captivating and how you can use the same tactics and incorporate it into your brand or service.

Steps to Production Series-Branding
First impressions are everything. Having a strong brand identity is important to stand out from your competitors. As part of your brand image, your brand identity is the first step in visually communicating the essence of your brand to potential and returning customers.

Steps to Production Series - Size Charts
Launching a brand can be overwhelming, where do I start? What steps do I take? In this blog series, Anna breaks it down in a simple step by step process to get your brand off the ground and into the hands of your consumers!

Connecting With Your Consumer
Instagram is currently the world everyone is living in and where people are going to find clothes, inspiration, new brands, recipe ideas, and everything else! This weeks post is about what steps you can implement to reach your customers.