Branding Series - 5 Strategies To Build Brand Awareness

What if I told you there was a way to build brand awareness, even before launching? In this blog, I will go over 5 Strategies to Build a stronger brand awareness.

One of the main reasons why brands fail is because of lack of audience, or lack of awareness. Building an amazing product alone will not cover the other half of the battle…sales. So getting the word out about your product is just as important as creating it. But if you can help it, strategizing your route of awareness cannot hurt your efforts. 

1. Build Anticipation through Pre-Launch

Once you’ve built a basic framework of a logo, color scheme, tone, etc for your brand why not Pre-Launch? When it comes to movies, trailers are not released when a movie is just out, but rather released prior to the movie release or even prior to major production. So, why not Pre-Launch your products? You can create content using the samples you have made during your production process and create casual or professional grade content for places like Instagram, Facebook, etc. From there you can gauge interest and feedback even prior to selling, which can be very beneficial for making necessary changes to your product or your brand identity. 

2. Use Advertising to Target your Customers

Organic reach can often take a long time to build. Sometimes it can take months or even years to build a decent following on Instagram, Facebook, or other social media platforms. An alternative is using paid advertising. This can be done in both a Pre-Launch or Post-Launch stage depending on budget. Working with media buyers or advertising platforms can be very beneficial. For advertisements, you will want to ask, what does my product solve? Who does my product help? What are the greatest benefits of the product? What will the customer lose out on by not purchasing? And many others to make content that will show off the best aspects of your product. You will also want to show the brand’s essence or energy to give the customer a clear idea of the brand’s purpose. 

3. Build Your Own Audience

Maybe you want to start a blog, or a newsletter but building your own audience that belongs to you is very important. Remember Myspace? Well, just like Myspace, a social media platform can easily fall and diminish in popularity over time. All of the subscribers, followers, or leads could easily be taken with it. So, it is important to build something of your own to attract a committed audience. By having your own email list, you have the safety of your most loyal customers being tuned in to your brand, even if a social media app shuts down. The key here is to give your customers something beneficial, this could be a blog, newsletter, or coupons. Regardless, it is critical to understand the importance of having access to your customer’s contact information for future interactions. 

4. Observe and Improve

Like in the previous branding blogs it is very important to observe your brand as well as your competition. By dissecting everything from logos to color to advertisements you will get a true understanding of your brand and how to improve it. Take observations from your competition but also remain unique and true to your brand. People will buy your product over your competition because of the unique qualities your brand may have. Improvements should always be made when the environment warrants it. For example, Netflix started as a mailable movie rental service, they improved their product by offering streaming services. Their competition, Blockbuster only truly offered in person movie rentals and could not adapt to the market of online streaming. Blockbuster eventually fell and phased out. It is important to observe new and upcoming trends that might change the environment of the industry you are in. 

5. Collaboration and Press

Collaboration and Press can contribute vastly to exposure. Collaborations can be done in many ways. One of our V.Mora clients rallied up friends, families and people in her niche to announce her new launch, and she sold out her collection. Our client utilized the contacts she had and pulled some favors to gain access to other people’s network. By doing this, it allowed her brand ample exposure. In some cases, collaboration may need to be paid for, which would put it in our advertising strategy. But other scenarios may require a contact or a simple call to a news outlet. 

The key takeaway is that success comes as a result of a good product and a good audience. You have to meld both a creative mindset and business one to achieve the exposure your product deserves. And through networking you can build good relationships that can contribute to your brand’s success. Combining Brand Identity with exposure gives you brand awareness. 

Need help strategizing your brand’s exposure? At V.Mora we can help you analyze and strategize the key ways to give your brand the best exposure. For inquiries please contact:

Stuck on product Production? At V.Mora we can help you through the entire production process from designing, to sourcing and so on through our Production Development services. If you are in need of the following Development and Production services: 

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches 

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making 

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

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Branding Series - Why Perfecting your Brand & Product will Lead you to Success


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