Branding Series - Connecting with Your Customer

Some brands stand out more than others, the memorable ones connect with you on a deeper level. In this blog, I will show you how to develop a better and deeper connection with your customer.

After going through Key Elements of Developing a Fashion Brand  you will discover who your customer truly is, and what they truly want from your collection. You can begin to pinpoint ways to connect deeper with your customers. 

The best place to start developing a deeper connection is on your brand’s website. The website is a place you have complete control over. From presentation to user experience you want to take a deep dive into how your client meshes with your website. It is customary to have a profile on your website to store the customer’s address and billing information. But You can take things even further by incorporating personal information about your customer. This could include their birthday, which can be used to send them promotions or gifts. Another way to add more depth to your website is through customer reviews, points programs or incentive programs can be used to encourage customers to leave reviews on your website. Customers value reviews as it helps them decide if an item is worth buying. You can encourage customers to create content, or user generated content, in order to get entry to a give away. That content can be used to further promote your products. Most of the time the best models for your products are real people, not necessarily celebrities. 

The second way to connect with your customer is through email marketing. If you have a shopify store to sell your collection you will want to integrate an email marketing system called Klaviyo. Klaviyo is an email and text message marketing platform that allows you to send emails and alters to your customers. One amazing feature you can integrate with email marketing is the abandoned cart feature, which sends an email to your customer if they leave an item in their cart without purchasing. This can be a great feature to remind your customer of something they want to purchase. 

Email Marketing also allows you to send blogs, newsletters, customized style suggestions, or any other important and valuable information to your customer. If you have an activewear brand, sending out healthy weekly recipes or workout ideas can be very valuable to your customer. Digital Products and giveaways can be a great way to convert customers. 

The third way to connect deeper with your customers is through social media. The average person spends about 145 minutes on social media. That is 145 minutes to possibly be in front of your customer. There are so many social media apps such as : Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, etc. Social media is a great way to show the true values and beliefs of the brand as well as an inside look or behind the scenes of the fashion process. User generated content can also be put on social media which helps create trust in your brand as well as the enjoyment of the individual who created the content. 

Live shopping has also become a huge market and a great way to show the values and personality of your brand. Live shopping allows you to show off your collection, try things on, and really show the customer what they will be receiving by purchasing the item. Many people worry about if any item will be the same when they receive it as when they ordered it, live shopping events allow you to show your customer that your products fit well, and are good quality. 

The last way to connect with your customer is through physical mail or in person events. Many things these days are now digital, but a postcard, promotion, catalog, can really add a personal touch to a special occasion. This can be integrated into packaging or sent separately at another time. In person events will work great locally. If you want to be known anywhere it is in your neighborhood. Putting on a shopping event can allow customers to experience your collection in person without needing to sell in a store all year around. 

Not sure what choices to make to connect deeper with your customer. At V.Mora we can help analyze and help you develop a plan to connect deeper with your customer and get more sales. For inquiries please contact:

Want to develop new pieces for your line? V.Mora can help you develop and  connect with factories, pattern makers, graders, etc. to develop new pieces or to help you launch a whole new collection with our Product Development services. If you are in need of the following Development and Production services: 

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches 

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making 

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

Please contact us at:


Branding Series - Establishing Brand Identity


Branding Series - How to Cost your Product to Reflect your Brand image