Adapt your New Fashion Brand During any Economic Circumstance

When waters get turbulent, it takes a smart captain to navigate the ship through the hostile seas. Navigate the fashion world in a smart way to adapt and thrive in any economic market.

Good market, bad market, it doesn't matter, what matters is understanding how to navigate the world of fashion in any situation. 

It’s important to look at any new season and assess your strategy for the season. One season you may want to lean into more prints and colors and the next focus on more core colors and styles. It is important to understand the times and how your niche will be reacting. At V.Mora we love market analysis and can help you navigate any financial season for your brand. It is important to notate financial and political changes to navigate design and manufacturing for your next season. 

Any Start-Up can thrive with the right core strategy. Our Start-Up coaching program over this with custom one on one consulting and strategic planning for your new collection.  In this blog, I will explain what can happen in a turbulent market and some tips to make sure that you come out on top.

Know What You Are Selling 

The key to navigating any market is to know what you are selling. This sounds simple but in reality this can be complex for new and established designers. If you are going into your collection not knowing who you serve and why, chances are in an economic downturn your customers won’t know either and you will lose your target audience. 

Understanding Costing 

Product costing is key in any economic space. A lot of new designers want to manufacture in the USA, however this has a cost, labor cost. By understanding garment costing including materials, labor, shipping, fulfillment, administration, marketing etc, you will have a better idea of what area you can put more money into and what area you need to make cuts into. 

Our team are experts in garment costing and projects. We value transparency, so we show you the average numbers it will cost for material, labor, marketing, etc. And after we provide estimates we can also provide more specific numbers as we move into production. 

Know Where to Sell 

Alex Hormozi talks about one product, one avatar(ideal Customer) and one promoting platform. When times get turbulent it is important to understand these three things. If you are having trouble identifying what those three things are for your business we, at V.Mora, can help. 

So what is “one product”? The concept of one product is the core nature of how your brand serves your customer and how the product helps them. This product could be utilitarian, or this product could have an emotional draw. Next, is one avatar. What does one avatar mean? This is your ideal customer/demographic. Your job is to be as specific as possible  to properly target them. For example, if you have a baby bib your customer avatar would be specifically new moms or previous moms with a new baby. So what does one platform mean? This means, select one location to promote your product, this ideally can be through organic traffic or sometimes paid traffic. At V.Mora we suggest starting with organic traffic first. 

By focusing on these areas you can navigate different economic markets within fashion and come out on top. Focus on quality, and being adaptable you can leverage eCommerce and social media for very little expense. Collaborate with other brands, offer promotions and discounts, stay focused on your brand identity, and be patient and persevering.. When you successfully adapt to any economic reality and consumer sentiment, you can enjoy a successful fashion line launch and build a thriving fashion brand throughout the years. 

Stuck on product Production? At V.Mora we can help you through the entire production process from designing, to sourcing and so on through our Production Development services. If you are in need of the following Development and Production services: 

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches   

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making 

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

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