5 Business Challenges Fashion Start-Ups Must Overcome
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5 Business Challenges Fashion Start-Ups Must Overcome

As a fashion entrepreneur you must overcome many business challenges before successfully launching a new brand. Five challenges stand out as essential to your success. If you can solve these, you will establish a solid foundation to launch, build, and scale your new fashion brand.

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Boost Your Fashion Start-Up With Digital Technology
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Boost Your Fashion Start-Up With Digital Technology

Virtually all fashion start-ups have a new partner… Digital Technology. It’s changing nearly every aspect of the fashion industry. When applied effectively, it can improve manufacturing, inventory management, revenue, and even your customer’s satisfaction and brand loyalty. Here’s why…

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Make AI Your Fashion Start-Up Ally
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Make AI Your Fashion Start-Up Ally

Artificial Intelligence can be a game-changer for your fashion start-up. AI can help improve design ideas, streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and get you from concept to product launch faster than you could ever imagine. Here’s how AI can assist your fashion start-up.

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Which Program is right for you? Product Development and Management
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Which Program is right for you? Product Development and Management

We all face time restrictions, and getting your fashion line “first to the market” can be critical to your success. With V.Mora’s turn-key Product Development and Management “Done for you” program, we can do the labor intensive work for you. This can get your brand launched quickly and give you the competitive edge in your niche.

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Which Program is right for you? Strategic Advising
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Which Program is right for you? Strategic Advising

As your brand advances through development in the fashion world, the issues and questions you face get more complex. How you react to these challenges can be the difference between the failure and success of your launch. Relax. Our Strategic Advising Program helps you navigate these hurdles.

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Which Program is right for you? Start-Up Coaching
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Which Program is right for you? Start-Up Coaching

Have you dreamed of launching an innovative fashion line but don’t know where to start? Many potentially gifted designers do. Some never move forward with their ideas, but others take action. For the action-takers, V.Mora has a special coaching program to help turn their dreams into success.

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Could Genderless Fashion Be A Promising Niche?
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Could Genderless Fashion Be A Promising Niche?

The days of 2 Binary genders are long over. If you Google the word gender you can find as many as 70 or more categories. Genderless fashion is a growing trend that’s taking the fashion industry by storm. Could it offer a profitable niche for a new fashion start-up?

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Reduce Returns To Boost Profits
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Reduce Returns To Boost Profits

Returns are a fact of life. They are going to happen, but some fashion ecommerce sites are experiencing 30-40% return rates. These returns rates could turn your start-up launch from initial success to a real financial challenge. This week, I’ll share a few tips to reduce online returns.

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Why is the LA Textile Show so important for a fashion Start-up?
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Why is the LA Textile Show so important for a fashion Start-up?

Can you feel the excitement? Anticipation is in the air for the LA Textile show starting this week. This is one of the most prominent and well attended fashion events of the year. If you are starting a new fashion line, here’s why it can be important for your new brand.

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