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Which Program is right for you? Product Development and Management

We all face time restrictions, and getting your fashion line “first to the market” can be critical to your success. With V.Mora’s turn-key Product Development and Management “Done for you” program, we can do the labor intensive work for you. This can get your brand launched quickly and give you the competitive edge in your niche.

Many fashion designers and entrepreneurs already have a demanding first job. This does not mean your dreams of starting an innovative fashion line need to be put on hold. The fashion experts at V.Mora understand your overwhelming time demands. We are also very aware of the value of launching your innovative brand and getting it to the market before other competitors can rush in. In this blog, we will cover how you can maintain your current job, commitments, and lifestyle, and still create and launch your dream fashion line. 

V.Mora’s turn-key Product Development and Management “Done for you” program can implement all the necessary labor intensive work for you. You can simply come to us with your idea, and we can handle the product development, project management, manufacturing, marketing,  branding, and ultimately your entire start up from concept to launch. 

Product Development and Management “Done for you” program:

Time never has to be a roadblock again. If you have an inspiration, brainstorm, or great idea for an innovative fashion brand, V.Mora’s Product Development and Management “Done for you” program can bring it to life. Many designers and entrepreneurs work with us and graduate from our consulting and coaching programs. They know what needs to be done. They simply do not have the time to implement everything that goes into transforming a fashion concept from the drawing board to the sales shelf. 

We created the V.Mora Product Development “Done for you” program to fulfill that specific need. It’s a turn-key solution for you to create, develop, and introduce your fashion brand to the market in a more timely, cost efficient way. Our experts can handle the labor intensive tasks like creating patterns, tech packs, and samples. We literally manage your entire production for you. 

Calling up and meeting with vendors can take a considerable amount of time. Shopping for trims throughout the Garment district is also very time intensive, but it has to be done. We can take these necessary chores off your hands, and leave you free to maintain your other job or manage your existing fashion business.

Turning a concept into a physical, saleable product requires many things and a great deal of manual labor. When you turn these tasks over to V.Mora, you are free to pursue the other demands in your life, yet still introduce and launch your new brand and fashion line. 

Your Production Management team:

You may already have a collection and want to develop and introduce new styles. We can create and develop your new styles that fit and enhance your collection. This allows you to expand your brand without stressing your already busy schedule. V.Mora can have the fabric and other accessories delivered to our offices or your manufacturer’s. You have the option to be involved as much or as little as you want. 

We have a depth of experience and proficiency in every phase of product development, sample making, manufacturing, branding, marketing, and strategic planning. In our Product Development and Management “Done for you” program, you harness the power of this experience and put it to work for your new brand, style, collection, or accessory.

This program allows you to skip the costly, time consuming process of hiring new staff and contractors. You can instantly move forward and launch your line faster than if you tried to do it yourself. 

You cannot underestimate the competitive advantage of being the first one to introduce a new fashion idea. When you are first to the market, your product is the one the consumers recognize as the primary solution to their needs. They become brand loyal to you, and that brand loyalty can be priceless as your business grows and expands.

What’s holding you back from starting your dream fashion line? V.Mora can eliminate the roadblocks of time and experience with our Product Development and Management “Done for you” program. Once you give us insight into your idea or concept, we can literally become your product management and development team. You can go from concept to launch in a cost effective, competitive, and short amount of time. Your dream fashion business does not have to be a dream. It can be the key to your financial freedom and your success as an innovative fashion designer.

What is your idea? What is going on in the world that can present fashion opportunities? Take a few moments to pause and consider the possibilities. A short brainstorming session can often prompt many fashion ideas that could be profitable. Look at the trends. Do some research. Put yourself in someone in your niche’s shoes, and then see how your needs change. 

There are many opportunities that may arise when you think about the fashion and style that would appeal to the audience you identify. If the target market is large enough, and your fashion solution is not already popular, you may have found a good niche. 

Write it down. If you feel it is an idea that may have some promise, schedule a free strategy call and let's talk about it. You may identify a niche and a fashion product that could become a successful start up and the fashion business of your dreams.

 Stuck on product Production? At V.Mora we can help you through the entire production process from designing, to sourcing and so on through our Production Development services. If you are in need of the following Development and Production services: 

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches   

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making 

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

Please contact us at: vmorainquiry@vmora.com

About the Author

Fashion expert, Allison Howmann, graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology where she majored in Fashion Design and Minored in International Trade and Marketing. She has spent over 6 years in the NYC Fashion Industry utilizing her Design and Marketing skills. Allison has worked with several successful brands to help create their winning fashion development, small business operations, and sales and marketing strategies. You can find her creating original content on the V.Mora blog and the V.Mora Instagram.