Marketing Series: The Number One Reason Why you Need TikTok

TikTok! We have all heard of it before, but why is the social media platform so important right now? Well In this blog, I will show you the number one reason you need to get your brand on the platform.

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter…it seems like there are an endless amount of social media apps to start your marketing journey, but recently, the one that has caused a huge sweep has been TikTok. TikTok has been able to do something that most other social media apps have not, bringing users organic traffic. As social media has evolved and expanded, algorithms have become a solution to bring users content they genuinely connect with; however, these algorithms usually limit exposure to similar accounts with similar content. TikTok uses a specific algorithm to expose you to content that is catered towards your interests and, at the same time, it also feeds you new and different content by new accounts that you may never have discovered on your own. 

So why is this important?

Let's say you have a TikTok account for your brand, and you post great engaging content. You have a greater chance of getting organic traffic, new followers, and brand awareness through TikTok than any other social media app. Ninety per cent of TikTok users engage this app on a daily basis and users spend an average of 52 minutes a day cruising the various videos and content. TikTok often feeds them new content they would not ordinarily expose themselves to. This could mean a bigger audience for you and therefore, more chances for someone to purchase your product. Unlike other social media apps where the algorithm operates off of your current followers and lookalike accounts, TikTok exposes your content to other users who have never engaged with your content. It actively helps to recruit new organic followers for you. 

TikTok Basics

When it comes to TikTok, the key is to grab attention fast and keep their attention. The average viewer watches a video for about 7 seconds and then moves on. If you do not grab someone’s attention fast, you have lost them. From the very start, your content must be engaging and entertaining. Also, the standard length of a TikTok Video is 15 seconds, although now they do allow some longer content. This means there is no time for elaborate selling. Your goal for your short content is to engage, entertain, and intrigue them enough to tap on your link and learn more. You really want to avoid complicated offers, lengthy demonstrations, or too much voice over. Engage, entertain, and intrigue with your content, and let your link do the rest. It is important; however, to get your brand name out there and possibly your tagline or brand message. If you can accomplish all of that in 15 seconds, you may open up your brand and product to a whole new, organic audience you may have never found before, and build brand awareness and desire within that new group of potential buyers.

Why Brands use TikTok

Major fashion and beauty brands like Calvin Klein, Maybelline, Nike, and others use TikTok for several reasons. In general, it actively expands their reach to a huge, new audience of potential buyers that television and other social media platforms do not reach. Using short, entertaining videos is a great way to help build brand awareness and increase attention for your brand. TikTok is also becoming a very valuable selling tool. Recently, TikTok introduced TikTok Shopping which allows users to browse, select, and purchase items without ever leaving the app. A viewer simply needs to tap on your product and buy. This creates a nearly effortless buying option that does not require purchasers to leave TikTok and stop what they are doing. TikTok can make it very easy for someone to buy your product. 

How can you get started on TikTok?

Just like any new platform it is important to learn how to maximize the use of TikTok.  First, download the app, and make a profile.This will establish a presence for you on the platform. Next, watch instructional videos.There are many instructional videos you can find that show nearly every aspect of operating within the platform. You can find many just by searching on YouTube. They cover creating and posting videos, how to find influencers, using the back-end set up, and navigating a business account. 

TikTok and New Technology

When it comes to social media it is important to stay up to date on any new and emerging platforms. TikTok blossomed during the pandemic. This allowed content creators and fast moving brands to establish their audience within the app. TikTok’s active algorithm that helps search for new, organic viewers for you can optimize discovery, connection, entertainment, and commerce. Your engaging content can drive consumers quickly and directly to a digital point of purchase. You may finally be getting comfortable using Instagram, Facebook, and the other major platforms. That is good; however, it is well worth your time to explore and adopt TikTok as well. It offers a tremendous new opportunity for your brand and your product. It is important to embrace this new way to expand and reach your target market, build your brand awareness, and sell your fashion line. There may be other innovative social media platforms that emerge in the future, and as they become available, you will need to evaluate them and the benefits they can bring to your fashion business. Right now, TikTok is the newcomer and it is proving to be a very powerful marketing tool. It is important to include this platform in any comprehensive marketing and media strategy. 

As a business owner with your own brand and fashion line, it is essential to explore new social media options and emerging advertising platforms as they grow. With over a billion users worldwide, TikTok is now a major social media platform. It offers an enormous audience that you can expose your product to and create a new consumer base that can extend your reach and your target audience beyond what you could develop simply by using Facebook, Instagram, and the others. Learning, using, and adopting this additional platform can help generate a large organic audience, new customers and grow your brand and your revenues. 

Not sure how to go about your marketing plan? The V.Mora team can create social media content and manage your social media plan with one of our Marketing Packages.  For inquiries please contact:

Have a Marketing plan already, but need help with producing your line? V.Mora can help you take your brand voice and turn it into products. We will help each step of the way to design, develop patterns, and connect with the right vendors for your project through our Production Development and Management service. Please contact us if you are in need of the Production Development and Management Services below:

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches 

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making 

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

Please contact us at:


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