Launch you Line in 2023

It’s the end of the year Holiday Season and it’s time to commit to that New Year’s Resolution to launch your new line in 2023. V.Mora wants to help you or an aspiring fashion entrepreneur in your life make that dream come true. Start with a gift us and make it to the finish line faster.

It’s gift giving season, and there’s no more valuable present than the gift of hope and knowledge. If you have a dream to start your fashion line in 2023, or know a loved one who has that dream, V.Mora has several great options that can inspire you and help turn the dream of becoming a fashion entrepreneur into reality.  Whether it’s for yourself or someone you care about, we have many different books, programs, and coaching options that can eliminate the costly trial and error of starting a fashion business. Our information can help streamline the process, shorten your timeline, reduce costs, and get you across the finish line to a successful launch.

I have been in the fashion industry for over 20 years. I have faced nearly every problem, disaster, surprise expense, delay, and roadblock a designer can be confronted with. It is now my mission in life to share what I know with other fashion entrepreneurs and aspiring designers. You don’t have to experience the heartache, headaches, and disappointments.  You can get to your launch in a streamlined, efficient, cost-effective, worry-free process. This is your chance to find out what I’ve learned in 20 years as a successful designer, and make that experience work for you and your dream.

If you want to head into 2023 and successfully launch a new fashion line and growing business, then this is the time to take action now. You can get on the fast track to success. In this blog, I will explain how to take full advantage of my experience and V.Mora’s business building assets for your fashion start-up.

Videos, Podcasts, Groups, Blogs, & More:

Your fashion education can start immediately, and V.Mora offers an enormous amount of free resources to get you going with your fashion line launch. If you’re reading this blog, you have successfully made it to our website. Make sure you subscribe and give us your email address. That unlocks nearly unlimited information and updates that you will have access to as part of our exclusive community of fashion designers and entrepreneurs. 

It is also a great idea to subscribe to the V.Mora YouTube channel. CLICK HERE  It’s all about fashion and the business of fashion, and you’ll have unlimited access to informational videos, “how to” instructional videos, and all sorts of very valuable content that you can put to work in your own fashion business.

We also have a podcast series you can access at this link. CLICK HERE This is where we talk about common questions and concerns of new designers. You’ll also hear about our current clients’ success stories and case studies. If you are looking to launch a brand, there’s so much  to consider:  budget, sourcing, manufacturing and putting all the pieces together to be successful! You’ll get insights from Anna and other fashion experts. They give you their insights and experienced viewpoints about the industry. They share secrets from real-world experience that you won’t hear anywhere else. This is a great way to learn the HOW behind launching your brand! 

You are also invited to join the V.Mora Community of designers on Facebook CLICK HERE. This is a private group where you can interact with Anna and fellow fashion designers in the V.Mora community. It’s a great place to make connections, get tips and tricks, and also share some of your own thoughts and knowledge about the world of fashion. 

Books and Short Cuts:

One of the greatest holiday gifts you can give to yourself or any fashion designer is my amazing book and blueprint to launching your fashion line: “The Fool-Proof Plan To Kickstart Your Clothing Line” CLICK HERE. This is the ultimate step-by-step bible every fashion entrepreneur needs to follow to successfully launch a new line. 

Successful fashion designer,  Jillian Hoskins raved, “If anyone follows the steps in this book, chapter by chapter, you will definitely understand how to succeed with your fashion line.”

If you or anyone you know has ever considered launching a new fashion line and becoming a fashion entrepreneur or if you simply work in the world of fashion, this book should absolutely be on your “must read” list. It takes a deep dive into getting through development and into production. At the end of this guide, you will know exactly what to do to launch and rock your line.

On our website, you can also find valuable shortcuts and timesavers designed to simplify your job. Just review our digital download section. Why try to recreate the wheel? We have pre-made forms and worksheets for you including a purchase order bundle, flow sheet bundle, tech pack, apparel spec sheet, costing, timeline, and budget template.

Digital Courses and Workshops:

If you want to take a deeper dive into your fashion education, I have an entire library of digital courses and workshops that can help inform you and give you greater detail on many different topics. You can learn techniques to find fabrics fast, discover exactly what information you need to have ready when you walk into a factory, how to score your dream factory, and much more. 

Free Strategy Call: 

Whether you are undecided about initiating a launch or ready to go, it’s a great idea to sign up for a free 20-minute strategy call with an experienced V.Mora fashion professional. In this 20-minute discovery call, you can ask questions and get answers to find out what you need to do to get started with your new fashion line. This call is free and what you learn may be invaluable to your new business. Click HERE to schedule your call. 

Strategic Coaching and Mentorship:

If you really want to streamline your operation and quick-start your line’s  development, it’s a great idea to bring V.Mora in as a coach and mentor. This will instantly put  years of fashion industry success, experience, savvy, and expertise in your corner. We work with your fashion line as a valuable partner and member of your team. Our knowledge, contacts, connections, and know-how can make your growth as a fashion designer and a business entrepreneur much easier, more painless, and a lot more effective and efficient. We can help you avoid those sleepless nights, heartaches, and serious pitfalls that many start-up businesses experience. 

We can assist you with your overall business with our strategic coaching and mentorship program, or you can team up with us more specifically with our development and manufacturing program that will get you from your original concept to a perfect sample. 

Taking the first step towards becoming a fashion entrepreneur and launching your new line can be the most difficult roadblock to your success. There may be good and bad advice coming at you from everywhere and anywhere. It can be confusing to know who to listen to. The financial risks can be high and often intimidating. Running a business and dealing with vendors, employees, factories, and everything else can be frightening.  

This is why I founded V.Mora. I understand what the fears, risks, and roadblocks are. Our mission at V.Mora is to help you manage these issues, make smart decisions, and get on with your dream of successfully launching your line. In my many years of successfully navigating the fashion world, the one key thing I have learned is that INFORMATION overcomes FEAR and DOUBT.  That’s why I make so much information available to fashion start-ups. The more you know, the faster you can grow.

The holidays are a perfect time to give the gift of information to yourself or another fashion designer. It will be a treasured gift that may help provide the knowledge that smashes through roadblocks, overcomes fear and doubt, and puts you on the fast track towards a successful launch and an informed, intelligent, and savvy fashion business. Please have a happy holiday and a very successful New Year.

Stuck on product Production? At V.Mora we can help you through the entire production process from designing, to sourcing and so on through our Production Development services. If you are in need of the following Development and Production services: 

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches   

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making 

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

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