Name your ideal price to attract your best customers

The real reason you're not making money is not that you're not smart or can't grasp numbers.

It's simply because you're not speaking to your best customer!

You're either giving your product away or you're worried it won't sell because of the price. 


If you’re …

1. Pouring your heart and soul into this brand and you're still not raking in cash... YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT!

2. Tried a million different ways to pivot or reach your customer only to end up with more money spent and no money in, you need to stop beating the dead horse and instead use a system that works for you!

3. Feel a restless desire within you that won't go away, it's time to take a step back and reflect. Your soul needs a recharge.  


  • Start seeing more money come in to support your business and yourself to create financial stability. 

  • Eliminate the stress of figuring out where the best place to allocate your money is. 

  • Attract your best customers 24/7, 365 days a year without skimping out on the price of your product. 


Join the Perfect Price Workshop

Name your ideal price and attract your best customer, so you're always selling and making money!

Get sourcing right.

Know what needs to be invested and where you can save. 

  • Identify where you're losing money and seal up those holes fast!

  • Stay on top of your money so you're never shocked by the total investment. 

  • Never worry about your pricing again because you have a system that works for you.

  • Follow your natural genius so you don't have to do stuff you hate to grow your brand. 


JOIN TODAY and you will get

  1. Entry to the tailored costing workshop on May 23rd and May 31st

  2. The workshop kickoff video to get in the money-making mood.

  3. 1:1 Time with Anna to get all the daunting questions answered. 

  4. Larger profit margins to keep you and your business running. 

If you’re ready to stop worrying about money and get out of debt once and for all, without depriving yourself of the full extent of your creativity, then this workshop is for you.

Just so you know, this is one heck of a deal! You snuck in through the back door to get to this deeply discounted workshop registration page.

This means you get this $500 workshop for only $127 and you’re going to learn a system that will help you make more money!



23rd & 31st of MAY

  • The costing template that will change your life

  • Tips when sourcing and how to spend your budget

  • A checklist of items to get to the perfect price

  • 1:1 with Anna to price your products on the spot

  • Strategies for determining sale prices

If you’ve been looking for a magic genie to appear and show you the way to your best customer then this is your sign!

The cost of inaction has far more consequences that are detrimental to you and your business.

There’s no way to guarantee more income and 5-star customers without making a change.

In this workshop, you’ll have a complete understanding of getting the perfect price for your products and a big payoff for the rest of your life. 

Register for the workshop now!


Workshop Part 1: Monday, May 23rd @ 2:30 pm EST

Workshop Part 2: Monday, May 31st @ 2:30 pm EST.


Streamed live through Zoom so tune in from wherever you are.

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee