How Threads Can Help A Fashion Start Up Brand

There is a new social media platform that may help boost your new brand. Threads was launched as a rival platform to Twitter, and it can offer fashion brands new opportunities, new audiences, new advertising options, and a way to increase brand recognition and sales. Here’s How.

The Social Media war between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg has begun with the recent launch of the new social media platform, Threads. This is the biggest competitor to challenge the once-dominant Twitter. What the new platform could mean for you is opportunity. This could be a very important channel to reach a new audience, and if you are a fashion entrepreneur trying to launch your start-up brand, the emergence of Threads and how it might boost your brand is important to understand. 

What is Threads:

Threads is a new gathering place for communities with similar interests. It is a text based platform that already has 10 million sign ups. It is simple to join. You log in with your Instagram Account. The interface is very similar to the one that Twitter uses, so it should be easy for you to become proficient with it quickly, if you are a current Twitter user.

In today’s political climate, the fashion industry is becoming very apprehensive of Twitter and it’s new moderation policies. Users are resisting it. Since they are familiar with Instagram and have wholeheartedly embraced it as a platform to promote and sell their fashion brands, Threads should have immediate positive acceptance by fashion brands, influencers, and consumers looking for new trends and styles. 

If you are familiar with Twitter, Threads is a no-brainer. It has a similar interface and functionality. You can “like” and “repost” other people’s comments. You are allowed 500 characters of text and you can share links, photos, and videos up to 5 minutes long.

An extended feature is that when users sign up, they can automatically follow accounts they follow on Instagram. Like Tik Tok, the algorithm also shows users a great deal of content from accounts they do not follow. 

Can you count on Threads?

In this age of high tech, platforms can come and go. Threads is starting out strong, and it is backed by Meta who has very deep pockets to support it. It is not just a flash in the pan startup like some Twitter rivals, including Mastodon, Spill, and Bluesky. You can be pretty confident that it will be around for some time, and it will out survive other social media challengers. 

The very positive element in the Threads future is that it is drawing in on Instagram’s existing 2 Billion monthly active users. That’s a good start in any new business. It has already extended invitations to major fashion brands, public figures, and influencers. News outlets have also been very friendly to the platform. 

If you consider that Twitter only has 238 million users, Threads could quickly grow and dominate this type of platform. 

What is the Opportunity for a fashion start-up on Threads? 

For a fashion start-up, Threads provides a new venue for reaching your audience. Even though it is text-based, it can be directly linked to your Instagram account. 

It is important to learn what advertising, promotion, and content opportunities evolve in the coming months. We would recommend that you sing up for your account quickly so that you can get the profile name that you want. Hopefully, it matches your Instagram name. 

You have the unique chance to get your new brand established on a relatively unexplored platform. It may not exceed the importance of your current presence on Tik Tok, Instagram, and Facebook, but it can add a very important potential component to your marketing strategy.

The first thing you should do is get your Instagram profile on Threads. Then you should take some time to explore the options for posting content. There will also be ways to advertise and promote your new product line. Be smart, and test the waters. 

If you find an advertising opportunity that looks promising, run a small test and then evaluate your metrics for success. If they indicate that you should increase your spending, take small steps forward and always be testing and analyzing.

Threads is an exciting new marketing tool for a fashion startup. It is important to be available on the platform, and be aware of what you can do. Your results might not be as good as Instagram and Tik Tok at first, but as it grows and evolves, you may find that Threads can be a very important component in your product launch marketing strategy.

What’s your breakthrough fashion concept? If you feel you have an idea that may have some promise, schedule a free strategy call and let's talk about it. You may have discovered a niche and a fashion product that could become a successful start-up and the fashion business of your dreams.

Stuck on product Production? At V.Mora we can help you through the entire production process from designing, to sourcing and so on through our Production Development services. If you are in need of the following Development and Production services: 

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches   

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making 

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

Please contact us at:

About the Author

Fashion expert, Allison Howmann, graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology where she majored in Fashion Design and Minored in International Trade and Marketing. She has spent over 6 years in the NYC Fashion Industry utilizing her Design and Marketing skills. Allison has worked with several successful brands to help create their winning fashion development, small business operations, and sales and marketing strategies. You can find her creating original content on the V.Mora blog and the V.Mora Instagram.


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