How Social Media Can Boost Your New Fashion Brand: Twitter

Chanel, Victoria’s Secret, Burberry… Huge brands in the fashion industry, and major marketers on the Twitter social media platform. They’ve discovered the incredible power of interacting with an audience of over 300 million users a month, and if you’re starting a fashion line you can harness this power too.

These days, Twitter is in the news most recently for its management changes; however, the platform remains a major marketing tool in the fashion industry.  Major fashion brands discovered Twitter years ago, and if you’re launching a new fashion line, you need to as well. 

Simply by creating a profile you have access to an audience of over 300 million users per month. No matter how targeted your niche is, there are going to be a huge number of potential customers in your target audience on this platform. In this blog, I will explain the value of twitter, how you can use it, and what it can mean to your launch and ultimately your brand. 

Why Twitter?

Social media experts used to say that Twitter was all about connections and not conversions, but this is not true anymore. Twitter is still a powerful interactive platform for making personal connections with your customers. New tools, advertising options, and even on-platform sales capability are making Twitter a complete marketing resource that allows you to form a bond with your target audience, and convert them into buying customers all in the same space.

Major established brands use Twitter so you will be in good company. Fashion brand start-ups are also capitalizing on Twitter. The very successful fashion start-up, Rothy’s, used Twitter as a strategic marketing platform to launch the brand and build brand awareness for their shoes and to deliver the story of their sustainability mission. These machine washable comfort shoes are manufactured from recycled plastic bottles. 

Twitter gave them a way to connect with their target audience, tell their story, launch the product line, and now they are growing into a well-known sustainable brand. 

Twitter has that potential for your start up brand or if you have an existing brand you are trying to scale and grow. 

Who is on Twitter?

The largest demographic for Twitter users are individuals from 25-34. They are more mature than the younger skewing audience on platforms like TikTok. Although the Twitter audience is not as large as Facebook or Instagram, there are still an enormous number of users that could be in your potential audience.

Twitter stands out as the most popular social media platform for news and political discussions; however, over 80% of Twitter users say they use it for entertainment. The Twitter population has many fashion influencers and micro-influencers that you can connect to, interact with, and even make a deal with to help promote your brand. 

What you can do on Twitter?

The first thing you need to do on Twitter is to create your brand profile including a Bio with 160 characters or less. It’s important to pinpoint who you are in those 160 characters. Here is the one Chanel uses: Fashion is above all a style. Fashion passes, style remains. Gabrielle Chanel. It’s short, but it definitely defines who they are.

Rothy’s gets their sustainability message out using: 146 million single-use plastic bottles transformed. They couple this with a display visual of their logo and a high quality photo of the lower torso of a man and woman wearing their shoes in an actual setting. 

You can also put a clickable link to your website in your profile. This is extremely important because if someone is interested, they can easily go to your site and find out more.  Once you set up your profile, you are ready to Tweet and spread your message.

Recently, Twitter doubled the allowable length of their tweets from 140 characters to 280 characters. It is still not a lot of words because Twitter is noted for its exchange of quick, frequent messages. This means you need to be very concise with your message. 

With every tweet, you are allowed to include either 4 photos, a GIF, or a video. These visuals can be very effective for your fashion line and showcasing your products, how to style with them, and even deliver behind the scenes photo shoot video or manufacturing footage. You have the visual capability a fashion startup needs to showcase your product and tell your brand story.

Some of the most important things users can do is to “retweet” and reply to your messages. A retweet allows them to send your message to their own followers. A reply allows them to answer, question, comment, or react to your message. In both cases, this is a form of engagement that can be very valuable to the connections you create and the brand awareness you build. 

The goal of using Twitter is to grow your following, build strong brand awareness, and have a conversation and engage with your followers. If you know and understand who your target audience is, then you can connect, engage with them on a one-to-one basis, and even create a community of followers who have the potential of becoming customers.

It is a good idea to tweet frequently and consistently. This ensures that you deliver new thoughts, messages, and visuals to your audience and keep them entertained and engaged.

It is also a good idea to use Twitter to research your competition. What kind of messages and dialogs are they using?  You can also understand what hashtags they are using to attract their followers. Then you can incorporate that information and use that to strategize for your product line. 

You can also directly connect to and engage with influencers with a public reply or a private reply. This can get them to try your brand. You can even work out a deal with them  where they will help you expose and promote your fashion line.  

How to Advertise, Sell and Make Money on Twitter?

One of the best features about using Twitter is that you are able to monetize this platform. Twitter offers several advertising options, and under the new management you can expect these options to change, grow, and expand. 

You can make your profile “shoppable”. If you get a Twitter Professional Account, you can include a “shop now” button where the visitor can tap the button and you can display up to 50 products.  You also have the option to embed a carousel on your profile that is a “Shop Spotlight”. This can showcase up to 5 of your products that you can feature and sell in an instant.

If you are also using Shopify they have a feature that allows you to “Install The Twitter Sales Channel” on your Twitter profile. You can simply go to the Shopify app store, and get this app.  Then you can create a product set, add products, and integrate your Shopify shopping cart into your Twitter profile.

Twitter also allows you to pay to boost tweets to reach a larger audience. You can choose your target audience, make a bid for keywords, and set the daily budget and the duration of your campaign. You can be sure that you will not spend more than you approve. 

With the potential of hundreds of millions of viewers, Twitter offers you the possibility to find your target audience, communicate personally with them, and even allow them to shop and buy your fashion line. It does not matter whether you have a start-up fashion line or you are a major brand, this potential is too large to ignore. 

The great thing is that Twitter offers you the opportunity to expose your fashion line to a huge audience, build brand awareness, generate sales, and stay within your marketing budget. It can be a very strategic marketing resource that empowers you to successfully launch your new fashion line.

Stuck on product Production? At V.Mora we can help you through the entire production process from designing, to sourcing and so on through our Production Development services. If you are in need of the following Development and Production services: 

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches   

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making 

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

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How Social Media Can Boost Your New Fashion Brand: Pinterest


How Social Media Can Boost Your New Fashion Brand: TikTok