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Get Your First Sale In 30 Days Or Less!

When you’re launching a new fashion line, few milestones are as important as your first sale. We have a special presentation coming that will show you how to “Get your first sale in 30 days or less!” Here’s all the details so get ready for success in 30 days or less.

You have done all the work to get your new fashion business started and you even have your inventory or some product to sell. That’s great, but you still have another very important  step on your road to success. You have to start selling your fashion line, and that all starts with your very first sale. The first sale is a very important milestone and it opens the door to more sales, more success, more revenue, and a successful new fashion line that fills the needs of your target audience. 

Do you want to make your first sale in 30 days or less? I know your answer is yes, and that is why it’s important to reserve your ticket to a very important special Zoom call presentation “Get your first sale in 30 days or less!” on Thursday, October 20, from 12:00pm to 1:15pm EDT. (HERE). This presentation is hosted by V.Mora, and there are only a limited number of spaces available, so it’s important to reserve them as soon as possible.

During this call, you will learn what you need to know and do to get that first sale in 30 days or less. We’ll cover the social media platforms you need to have a presence on, how to attract your target audience, how to properly engage them to generate buzz, urgency, and awareness, what sort of content you need to truly connect with your audience, how to gain their trust in you, and most important, you’ll find how to set sell online so that your potential customers can purchase and you can begin to generate revenue within 30 days. 

In this blog, I will discuss the three core steps towards your first sale, and Why they are important. 

Step 1: Find Your Audience

It is so important to find your true audience. Luckily the internet has opened up the whole world to be your audience, however we don't have the time or the money to market to the whole world. Most of that effort will be wasted because the whole world is not your audience. Your true audience or “Super-Fans” will be within a specific niche. I will show you how to define that niche  in the Sales Workshop HERE and also how to take that information about your niche and know where to find them. 

Step 2: Create Content that Attracts and Generates Trust

Once you find your audience, it is not time to create content that attracts and generates trust. Many designers post many pretty photos, but the reality is, most people are doing this and you need to set yourself apart from the crowd. The key is is to ask yourself what can I do to set my brand apart to build that level of trust. For key ideas join us on October 20th HERE

Step 3: Convert that Trust into Sales

The final step, after finding your audience and creating content that attracts and generates trust, it is important to know exactly HOW to convert. Converting your audience to a sale requires a secret sauce. If you are a new brand, you will need to put that extra effort into converting a sale that say a more established brand. During this stage it is important to ask yourself, what would get me to buy from a new brand once I am interested. 

If you have a product but no sales, you can make your first sale in 30 days or less.  We will show you how, step-by-step in our special Zoom call presentation, “Make your first sale in 30 days or less!” on Thursday, October 20 from 12:00 pm until 1:15 pm EDT. (CLICK HERE TO RESERVE TICKETS) There are only a limited number of spaces available, so it’s important that you reserve your ticket right away. Rest assured that there will also be a playback included, so if you cannot make it at that time, you can listen to the presentation again and again.  

Go to this link and reserve your space. (CLICK HERE TO RESERVE TICKETS) We will email you the Zoom Link and all the information you need to attend.

Launching a successful fashion line begins with your first sale. You can make that first sale within 30 days, and get your fashion line started on the road to success. Join us for this call, and make your first sale.  Get ready for success in 30 days or less.


Stuck on product Production? At V.Mora we can help you through the entire production process from designing, to sourcing and so on through our Production Development services. If you are in need of the following Development and Production services: 

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches 

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

Please contact us at: vmorainquiry@vmora.com