Five Reasons Why Trade Shows Are Important

Attending fashion trade shows has always been an important part of any fashion brand’s manufacturing and marketing strategy. Even if you are a new fashion entrepreneur these events are priceless. Here’s why…

It does not matter if you are running a popular national brand or merely have an innovative fashion concept on your drawing board. There are many reasons to attend a fashion trade show. These events can be a priceless source of education, market research, idea inspiration, networking, and much more. In this blog, I will explain 5 great reasons why attending fashion trade shows is so important to your growth and development as a fashion entrepreneur. The experience will expand your knowledge base, inspire new ideas, and grow your professional network among other things.

I also want to invite you to join V.Mora at the LA Textile trade show at the California Market Center on September 28 through September 30. (Click HERE to Register)  LA Textile is the Fashion Industry’s preeminent destination for textile, design and production resources on the West Coast. It showcases a curated selection of premier textile mills, trim suppliers, design studios, manufacturing companies, and supply chain services from around the world. It hosts a program of acclaimed seminars, trend galleries, sustainable fashion forum, and creative activations designed to inform, inspire, and help activate your design and manufacturing goals. V.Mora will be there and we hope you will be too. Here are 5 reasons why.

1. Build your Network of Suppliers and Vendors

When you are starting out as a fashion entrepreneur, you may not know many people in the industry you want to succeed in. Online social media platforms and fashion groups are positive ways of virtual networking and getting to know some suppliers, manufacturers, vendors, mentors, and other fashion entrepreneurs; however, in person, face to face contact with someone can make a much stronger personal connection. Fashion is an emotional form of expression and it is very personal. There is no better way to seal a friendship or develop a business relationship like true personal interaction. 

What is also valuable is that all these people are in one place at a trade show. Simply by browsing the booths, you can meet people and see demonstrations that would take many weeks to approach on a one-on-one basis, set a meeting, travel to their business, and have a meeting. A trade show is an incredibly efficient and time-saving way to meet new contacts and speak to each one personally.

At a tradeshow, you will be exposed to suppliers, manufacturers, other vendors, competitors, and even mentors or consultants that may help guide you. They are there because they want to meet you and find out all about you and your potential fashion brand. When you have the kind of one on one, in-person contact you get at a trade show, the connections will be stronger, and have a much greater impact on you and whoever you are speaking with.

This interaction can expand your network, your knowledge base, and even inspire new ideas for your business and fashion brand. Some of the vendors at a trade show are from overseas, and this is a chance to actually speak with them, interact with them, and develop a trust and friendship that may last for years and be invaluable to your start-up brand as it grows and expands.

2. Conduct Market Research

One of the best and more strategic reasons for attending a trade show is to conduct market research. In this one venue, you may find most of your major competitors and get a better sense of who they are, what their products are, and what they’re all about. This knowledge can be invaluable to you especially when you are still at the concept development or design stage. You may be able to spot strengths or weaknesses in your competitors that are not obvious from their online or retail presence. 

You can also get a better idea of pricing, materials, fabrics, and much more. Many vendors and manufacturers offer “Trade Show Discounts”. Remember, their competitors are in the same room too, and so they may offer special price reductions if you order during the show. These lower prices may give them a competitive edge over their rival at the booth down the aisle.

The market information you can gather in just one day can be far more extensive than weeks of scouring the internet, browsing through stores, and checking other websites. It can help you better understand what your specific niche could be and how you can reach a target market that is underserved. If your fashion line can fill that gap, you can launch with instant market penetration to an audience who is longing for a new solution to their needs.

3. Get Inspiration

One of the best and most valuable reasons to attend a trade show is to find inspiration and discover new ideas. You are going to experience ideas, designers, and manufacturers that are on the cutting edge of the fashion industry. That can expose you to new ideas, techniques, and products that you may not have thought of or considered. From the minute you walk in you will experience colors, styles, designs and more that will get your creative wheels turning. Some of these exhibits may spark an idea for your fashion line and may help you have a breakthrough that solves a problem and clears a roadblock that has been obstructing your progress.

When you see ideas and innovations that are at the forefront of the industry, it can keep you up to date with what’s coming in the future. More importantly, it can inspire you to change something in your fashion line or marketing mix that paves the way to far more success than you ever imagined. 

Seeing how other fashion companies and entrepreneurs design and operate can open your mind to new ways to solve problems and deliver a better, more desirable product to your potential customers. The inspiration you can get from physically seeing these new ideas on display can generate a brainstorm that makes your line or your business better.

4. Trend Forecasting

Very few industries change and evolve as fast as the fashion industry. Industry events, like LA Textile or fashion week in New York, pride themselves on being trendsetters. They introduce new manufacturing processes, innovative cuts, designs, fabric mixes, styles, and breakthrough new trends. 

A trade show is a virtual launchpad for new ideas and fashion trends. In order to stay ahead of what’s coming in fashion, these are the perfect events to attend to understand what’s in, what’s out, and what is coming soon.

5. Get Expert Tips, Advice, and Education on New Technology

Most trade shows offer special presentations, seminars, and other educational presentations. They can keep you ahead of the game with new technology. There are countless innovations that change the way the fashion world buys, sells, and operates. Trade shows can be a priceless resource to explore revolutionary and disruptive technologies and what changes they are bringing.

The show can explore topics like: how is AI changing fashion demand forecasting? When will the metaverse be reality and how will it revolutionize the traditional showroom and dressing room? How can automating the workflow and using Software as a Solution reduce labor, redundancy, and expenses? 

You can be exposed to what is on the cutting-edge and also more basic topics like how to set up a fashion business, or how to market a new line using social media. 

It is important to explore the educational and new technology opportunities at each show because what you learn may be the key that puts your line over the top. Knowledge is power and the more you know, the better chance you have of success.

Bonus: Make sure you Follow Up with New Contacts in 24 hours 

This is bonus advice and a strategy that can help make your network contacts stronger and feel more connected. You may be tired and exhausted after a long day walking a trade show; however, it is very important that you always follow up with the significant businesses and people you meet within 24 hours. Remember, they are meeting as many people as you are and maybe more over a period of two to three days.

That can create an information overload for them. Most of those potential contacts will not follow up and many of them will be forgotten.  The people that follow up have a much better chance of being remembered and making a permanent expression.

If you want to get the most value out of the networking opportunities at a trade show, follow this strategy and follow up within 24 hours. You will solidify your contacts and strengthen your network in many useful ways.

Come Visit us at LA Textile:

Even when you are simply considering becoming a fashion entrepreneur and launching your own fashion lines, trade shows can be incredibly valuable. They help advance your knowledge, develop  your market research, inspire new ideas, and expand your network of people you can call on in the fashion industry. 

LA Textile at the California Market Center on September 28 through September 30, 2022 is a great one to attend. Here is the link:. (  

It’s a great textile, design and production resource. It showcases textile mills, trim suppliers, design studios, manufacturing companies, and supply chain services from around the world. It also hosts fantastic seminars, trend galleries, a sustainable fashion forum, and creative activations.

 V.Mora will be there. We hope you will be too. Please drop by our booth and come visit us. 

Stuck on product Production? At V.Mora we can help you through the entire production process from designing, to sourcing and so on through our Production Development services. If you are in need of the following Development and Production services: 

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches 

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making 

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

Please contact us at:


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