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A Digital World

The current global pandemic has created some uncertainty for all companies especially in fashion. The majority of the world might not be shopping for clothes at the moment but that’s not to say they’re not looking.

Companies who have the infrastructure to continue working remotely and pay their employees their salaries are only changing the destination of their commute to their sofa, they are still earning an income. Therefor they have some extra money they can treat themselves with. We live in an age where technology is part of us, there’s nothing anyone does without the use of technology. Retail included, most people do not have the leisure to go shopping with their friends all the time which is why e-commerce has boomed over the past few years. Digital channels are not a way to compensate for the lack of in-store revenue; however, it will lead to the opportunity for businesses to revisit their models as they adjust to the future.

Fashion especially, has a shortage of professionals with a digital-first mentality. The newcomers and younger professionals in the industry are aware of this; however, the majority of people who control the industry are still trying to hold on to the idea of the shopping experience. It’s time to embrace digital solutions. Instead of shying away, it’s a time to be innovative! This is a perfect opportunity to show your customers how you stand out from your competition, engage with your customers, find Influencer’s who already represent your brands values and collaborate, host live events with them – they need work too! This is just the tip of the iceberg there are tons of ways to reach your customer from the comfort of your home.

Pull out your business plan and create your next action plan, build your digital plan – focus on allocated inventory, future investments, and shifting your marketing to digital channels tracking your ROI precisely. Expand your customers experience on your website, and social platforms. A digital strategy should include every stage of partnerships and brand positioning. Lay the groundwork to build traffic in a cost-efficient way, we have a small window of opportunity to take a leap forward and be the first in line