NYC Garment District Factory Field Trip with V.Mora

We are going to take a peek inside the elusive world of the NYC Garment District factories, cutters, pattern makers, etc. On July 22nd, you can get hands-on experience with the V.Mora team to learn what the manufacturers expect from you as a designer.

“I need a factory with low MOQs.” “I need a factory that specializes in X.” These are common inquiries we get at V.Mora. As a company, we are lucky enough to be located in the heart of Manhattan and steps away from the famous NYC garment district. 

The NYC garment district is somewhere I spent hours and hours searching for fabric and notions for my school projects. But there is a whole other side of the garment district that is not based in retail. Sure, as a designer you can shop retail fabrics and notions but the reality is…. that model is unsustainable. If you purchase items at retail you risk the chance that it may not be offered next season. What you need to know is the company’s recurring inventory, what you need is an “IN”. 

Garment District History: 

The Garment District used to produce about 90% of the garments sold in the USA. Now with so much offshore production only 4-6% of garments sold in the USA are made in the NYC Garment District; however if you are creating your own line, NYC is one of the best places to produce because of the vast and intricate knowledge of factory workers. LA is known for denim, and casual clothing, but NYC is known for so much more. 

Really good vendors are elusive. The truth is they don’t need fancy marketing or advertising to sustain their business. They are so good that they don’t even use a website, yet they fill their client list. Throughout my experience in the garment district I've seen high end brands on the factory floors and mass market brands creating samples for presentations. The NYC garment district is why NYC is the fashion capital. 

Manufacturing Tour

V.Mora’s Manufacturing Tour gives you a peek inside the elusive world of factories, cutters, pattern makers, etc. And a hands-on experience to learn what they expect. If you approach them alone they do come with expectations. From materials, to tech packs, they need a standard to keep to. In our tour, taking place on July 22nd at 10am-2:30pm, CLICK HERE, we have a workshop that goes over all the expectations of each type of vendor, so you are well equipped for them.  You will also leave with a list of well mixed vendors that can truly help you produce the line of your dreams.  

On the chance that you are not local, our team can also help manage any sort of production needs and management you may have. We have vetted and worked with every vendor we will be showing during the tour so if you need help we can be your boots on the ground as well. Be sure to CLICK HERE to get tickets for the Manufacturing tour. 

VIP Tours:

What if our tour on July 22nd doesn’t work with your schedule? It’s okay. We do plan on having another group tour; however, if you want the VIP treatment with select vendors specific for your project, email us at . Tell us about your project and we will come up with a proposal price for your VIP tour. 

What People Are Saying:

Do you need help with producing your line? At V.Mora we can help you through the entire production process from designing, to sourcing and so on through our Production Development services. If you are in need of the following Development and Production services: 

  • Sourcing 

  • Technical sketches 

  • Pattern Making

  • Prototype making 

  • Sample Making

  • Fittings 

  • Digitizing and Grading

  • Marker Making

  • Manufacturing

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Workshop with V.Mora-Find Fabrics Fast!


The Price of Made In The USA